We’ve had a lot of technical difficulties getting our video feed to work, but know that we are working hard to try to navigate through this as well. Our teachers have had to focus on being students as they are also learning a new program to teach live this year. We are living out our life skill of PERSEVERANCE! If you are new to Meister, we try to become our PERSONAL BEST by practicing key LIFESKILLS. PERSEVERANCE is all about sticking to it when things get difficult! We can make it through this Vikings! We are a family and will work together and come out better on the other side! #VikingStrong!
In case you didn't make it to our "Virtual Back to School Night", this is the slideshow presentation that includes all the teachers' individual pages they shared. You can click on their "All About Me" link to learn more about your teacher as well as their "Class Expectations" link to know more about what this year will be like in that grade. The first slide in the Slideshow is a chalkboard that has a list of the teachers by grade. You can click on any name to go to their class page or you can scroll through the presentation slide-by-slide to see what Mr. Worthington covered before the live classroom presentations began. His slides come right after the chalkboard at the beginning. We got a lot of feedback on the live connections tonight and will work to smooth these out this week. Please be patient as this is new software and we are still learning how to use all the bells and whistles as well. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTM3CMomUuwMYsWo7_hhODA-lMsDm1w0GJY9j6zhBmjZfHgIYPtB47IhnBBCKEZYAlVWpnScrz9bJxH/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
In case you didn't make it to our "Virtual Back to School Night", this is the slideshow presentation that includes all the teachers' individual pages they shared. You can click on their "All About Me" link to learn more about your teacher as well as their "Class Expectations" link to know more about what this year will be like in that grade.
The first slide in the Slideshow is a chalkboard that has a list of the teachers by grade. You can click on any name to go to their class page or you can scroll through the presentation slide-by-slide to see what Mr. Worthington covered before the live classroom presentations began. His slides come right after the chalkboard at the beginning. We got a lot of feedback on the live connections tonight and will work to smooth these out this week. Please be patient as this is new software and we are still learning how to use all the bells and whistles as well.
Dear River Forest Families,
As you know, a student needs to make sure they are eating well in order for them to focus on their school work.
During the virtual learning process the River Forest Food Service Department will be handing out meals for our students during the week of August 25th through August 28th at your child’s home school between 11:00 to 12:30.
The price for these meals will be charged at your child's eligibility rate. Therefore if your student’s status is reduced or full pay your child must have funds in their lunch account in advance.
You can add money to your students account by using our online payment system SendMoneyToSchool.com.
For more detailed information and the first week’s menu please go to the Food Service Department link on the River Forest Community Schools website.
Thank you and have a great day.
The River Forest Community School Corporation Board of School Trustees will conduct a work session in front of the public on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 5:30 – 6:50 p.m. in the RFHS Media Center, 3300 Indiana Street, Hobart, IN 46342.
Purposes of a Work Session
The Board wishes to inform the public that the purpose of the work session is to receive information concerning agenda topics listed that are relevant to the Board. The Board will not take any action during this work session and any action taken will occur at the regular scheduled
board meeting. Agenda for August 18, 2020 Board Public Work Session at 5:30 pm
1. Principal reports on reopening plans
Recording of Virtual Kg Orientation!
If you were working or couldn't attend this morning, I recorded the presentation again for you. Please click the link below to watch and don't forget to click on the Attendance link to let us know you attended live or watched this recording. Link for recorded orientation: https://www.loom.com/share/2348710d31744bf7b0f0f37b44b29b25
Attendance link - Please let us know you watched live or saw this recording by completing the quick form attached to this link! Thanks! https://forms.gle/9v11rdLuWMVsFGx19
River Forest Families,
The State of Indiana has made constant changes and has not provided clear guidance for schools. We have heard many concerns from our families, teachers, and principals. Because of these reasons, and in consulting with our School Board, the River Forest School Calendar will be adjusted. Our first e-Learning Day will take place on Tuesday, August 25th. This will provide more time for schools to work with parents and students for registration, scheduling, and assist with their Chromebooks and technology. This will help to ensure that our new school year begins the best way that it can. Principals will be providing parents more detailed plans for each school. If you have not registered your children, please contact your school.
Thank you,
Dr. Disney
Familias de River Forest,
El estado de Indiana ha hecho cambios constantes y no ha dado una guía clara para las escuelas. Hemos escuchado muchas dudas de nuestras familias, maestros y directores. Por estas razones, y en consulta con nuestro Consejo Escolar, se ajustará el Calendario Escolar de River Forest. Nuestro primer día de e-Learning será el martes 25 de agosto. Esto dará más tiempo para que las escuelas trabajen con los padres y los estudiantes para el registro, la programación, y ayudar con sus Chromebooks y tecnología. Esto ayudará a asegurar que nuestro nuevo año escolar comience de la mejor manera posible. Los directores darán a los padres planes más detallados para cada escuela. Si no ha registrado a sus hijos, llame a su escuela.
Dr. Disney
To help support E-learning and child care, the Lake Station Boys & Girls Club will be open 6:30 am-6:30 pm. Staff will be providing virtual learning assistance and fun programming for members. Pre-registration is required along with weekly fees and a current membership. For
information, please visit the Club’s website at www.bgcgreaternwi.org and then click on “Register for Back to School". You can also call 219-963-3200. Spots are limited and are first-come, first-served.
Para ayudar a apoyar el aprendizaje electrónico y el cuidado infantil, el Club de Niños y Niñas de Lake Station estará abierto de 6:30 de la mañana a 6:30 de la
tarde. El personal proveerá asistencia de aprendizaje virtual y programación divertida para los miembros.
Se requiere preinscripción junto con costos semanales y una membresía actual. Para obtener información, visite el sitio web del Club en www.bgcgreaternwi.org
y luego haga clic en 'Registrarse para volver a la escuela ". También puede llamar al 219-963-3200. Los espacios son limitados y se son por orden de llegada.
Virtual Kindergarten Orientation - Tuesday, 8/11 at 11:00am Below is a link to the flyer for our Virtual Kindergarten Orientation. This will be a Zoom online meeting and we will share a quick presentation about kindergarten, introduce you to our awesome Kindergarten teachers, and have time for questions and answers. We hope to be done in an hour or less. Please click the following link for the flyer and meeting invitation link. Just be sure to log on a few minutes before 11 am so we can start on time.
The Lake Station Boys & Girls Club is reserving 114 slots for their Virtual Learning Assistance Program. Beginning August 17, members will receive on-site support to help them succeed in virtual learning. Please read the attached flyer for more information.
Chromebook Distribution at Meister!
Please click on this link for the flyer containing the information about picking up Chromebooks this week at Meister on Wednesday and Thursday (8/12 & 8/13) from 11am to 7pm.
MANDATORY SURVEY! Meister only has 55% of the students with a completed survey. YOU MUST CHOOSE PLAN A (Traditional) or PLAN B (e-Learning)! Even though we are starting virtually, we will use this information when we return.
Use these links for English or Spanish surveys:
English - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei3_Nka_aWKGI2F9bm4oSu-dWbOzcXWIRYLVrCuH3eI5BQaA/viewform
Spanish - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFtoBeldBe9oyrc2KmbwefLJvE6SmN9eOm28WO9YSbUyrCAg/viewform
We created a "What's New at Meister" slideshow to share some of the summer projects that have been completed and some of the things we have coming to prepare for health, safety, and social distancing.
This link will play the slideshow:
Parent Survey for Enrollment Choice (Links below)
We really need your survey results to help us make re-entry plans. Please complete this SHORT SURVEY! It literally takes 1 minute and is only 6 quick questions. Other than typing the names, the rest are check boxes. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS TODAY IF POSSIBLE!!!
Choice A - Traditional 5 days in-person
Choice B - e-Learning option
(English Survey) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei3_Nka_aWKGI2F9bm4oSu-dWbOzcXWIRYLVrCuH3eI5BQaA/viewform
(Encuesta española) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFtoBeldBe9oyrc2KmbwefLJvE6SmN9eOm28WO9YSbUyrCAg/viewform
Attention RFCSC Parents,
The Athletics and Extra-Curricular guidelines have been updated on our Return to Learn plan. The plan now states:
"Students participating in extracurricular must be aware of guidelines afforded by IHSAA regarding eligibility requirements as they relate to the minimum number of periods students must attend class in-person to remain eligible for sanctioned participation when the schools are open. Meaning all students, whether students choose option A (attend class at school) or option B (attend eLearning/remote class) may participate in extra-curricular if they have completed a release form, meet IHSAA requirements of attendance in eLearning/remote class or in person class, and maintain eligibility. "
To view the complete plan please visit: www.rfcsc.k12.in.us
Tonight's HS Graduation will be live streamed at 6:30pm on the HS Athletics Page via Facebook Live. Updated start time 6:30pm
Online Registration is for new students only at this time.
If you are a returning student, the online registration will open July 16th and you will receive a registration code by email at that time. The Drive-up copying days next Thursday and Friday on June 11th and 12th are for new students only to copy 4 proofs of residency, birth certificates, shot records, social security cards, and a parent's photo ID or drivers license. New tuition applications can also be filled out online at this time. Returning tuition students can complete their paperwork after July 16th.
New Student Registration
Tuition Student Registration
RFCSC School Board will be meeting for an Executive Session Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 5 pm in the RFI Learning Center
Meister hosted a Virtual Awards Day Program today at 11:30am and we had a lot of families join us live, but if you were not able to do that we, recorded it! Here's the link to watch our program!
Don’t forget to join our Live Meister Virtual Awards Day presentation today at 11:30am! Just click the link to join. We will record and repost that later if you missed the live presentation.